

linbin123456 2023-10-10 96
滨海鼎津津信三号私募证券投资基金摘要: 直辖市债券定向投资基金!国企基金管理人+债券发行人主体评级AA及以上该基金已在中国证券投资基金业协会备案!基金开放日为每个自然月20 日【基金名称】滨海鼎津津信三号私募证券投资基金...
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     Summary: large inflows of groundwater or surface water artificial knockout holes in the resulting hole filled with stagnant water, hole was submerged. Flooded hole, hole, collapse, intoxication or choking, electric shock accidents occur. 关键字: 人工挖孔桩 质量措施 安全措施 淹孔 塌孔 Keywords: manual hole knockout flooded hole pile quality measures security measures falling 引言:大量地下水或地表水流入人工挖孔桩孔内,致使孔内充满积水,孔被淹没


    针对上述不安全状况特制定如下措施: 一 安全措施 安全措施如下: 1排水 淹孔











     2安全帽 孔内坠物




     3安全培训 坍孔








     4通风 中毒或窒息




     5绝缘服,绝缘靴 触电事故



     二质量保证措施 质量保证措施如下: 1挖土成孔时,孔的垂直度或称每段护圈的同心度应予确保,为此,应由技术熟练的操作工作人员下孔挖土,经常复核孔的中心位置(可由地面吊垂球至孔底)















              Introduction of manual knockout pile quality and safety measures should be a two-pronged approach                Panjin traffic construction co, Ltd  Li Wenqing   Summary: Large inflows of groundwater or surface water Manual knockout Holes in the resulting hole filled with stagnant water, hole was submerged. Flooded hole, hole, collapse, intoxication or choking, electric shock accidents occur. Keywords : Manual knockout Quality safety flooded hole hole collapse Introduction: excessive ground water or surface water inflow Manual knockout Holes in the resulting hole is filled with stagnant water hole was submerged. Flooded hole, hole, collapse, intoxication or suffocation, electric shock accidents occurred frequently. Against insecurity develop the above the following measures: Security measures Security measures are as follows: 1Drainage Flooded hole. This occurs in a large number of groundwater or surface water into the holes in the hole is filled with stagnant water, hole was submerged. For surface water, mainly is the storm season, Kong Zhou was not retaining water, and drainage is not timely, especially lack of continuous operations at night, more likely to occur. To do this, structure about the hole  with brick built temporary retaining water or soil elevation elevation hole, no surface water into the hole. On seepage water, we must first acquire geological information, the possibility and the rivers run through, if you have highly permeable strata, adequate drainage device should be configured. In coastal areas such as under the influence of the tides, you should also consider the rise of tide level and the need for additional equipment necessary for this. If it is calculated, does a high water volume, if necessary, steel sheet pile or injection pump located water treatment. Large pump should also pay attention to two issues : first, piping, that is, at the end of the hole as the discharge of seepage water. There are a large number of fine particles are brought into the holes in the hole out of the increased workload, or even by artificial excavation without aggressive ground speed. Second, a large number of soil particles into, resulting in land subsidence outside the hole, threatening the nearby structure or surface transportation. This part can properly recharge water or reducing at the same time the number of hole-digging pile construction. 2Safety helmet Hole. This story is often occur. Hole construction personnel must be brought up in a helmet, outside the hole should have the specialist care, vertical transportation, you echoed up and down, action should be a hole in the personnel on the ground, as far as possible creating safe conditions of construction. When the job temporarily stopped, in a orifice must have a lid to prevent people from opening out into the hole. 3Security training The collapse. Most likely to cause personal injury. Many causes collapse. Face exposed for too long concrete segment of each paragraph separator is too high, which face high, digging holes is immersed in water, water will cause a collapse such as serious. For the training of construction workers, have some hole-digging pile and experience of the operator's job is very important. An experienced operator can determine accurately the inability to collapse and take the appropriate measures. When it comes to very poor soil, too late to die when concrete pouring retaining ring, for this particular case, available steel retaining ring instead of concrete retaining ring, as well as at dozens of support. Have dug up soil of the ring the same day, you must set the concrete pouring out, should not be put into the next day. 4Ventilation Poisoning or choking. Before digging hole pile construction, must be a full investigation of the formation of toxic gases, in particular methane, carbon monoxide, gas (no gas pipe near the main research) and other toxic gases, necessary, operation with gas masks. When the holes have operator jobs, there should be adequate, clean air into. Best blower is electric, diesel power, should be fed into the hole on the air to be filtered, for the event of an accident prevention, holes should be set first aid elevator, site preparation on simple and effective oxygen equipment. 5Insulated clothing, boots Electric shock accident. For commonly used appliances, cable, should be inspected regularly to prevent breakage or go electric. Operations staff to the holes in the job through rubber boots, no electric shock accident. B quality assurance measures Quality assurance measures are as follows: 1When digging into the hole, the verticality of the hole or retaining ring of concentric degree of each paragraph should be to ensure that, to that end, hole digging under the skilled operations staff should be, regular review of hole Center location (by hanging vertical ground ball to the end of the hole). Separator thickness only cannot be small, or digging out would rather dig a little more, to ensure that there are sufficient wall thickness. 2Up and down vertical reinforcing steel bar should be interwoven, as if it were attached to hair clips. Once the nurse outside of the circle friction reduces the paragraph (when the surrounding ground settlement occurred as a result of negative frictional resistance, often causing friction reducing), can take tension of steel bars, no separator overall decline. 3Separator template should support the ideas, not easily deformed. As well as to facilitate disassembly and Assembly, when steel die as possible. 4Pour concrete up to with a plunger or a hammer to tap the template, to the concrete to achieve compactness. Such as vibrators inspires the solid concrete, may be disturbed soils, or even out of the groundwater industry often push into kindling in concrete or concrete out of the cement paste loss will reduce the quality of concrete. Per paragraph separator to prevent water seepage in concrete joints, lower concrete of concrete on top should go beyond the bottom, ensuring that concrete retaining ring part can be inserted on to the next paragraph. 5Separator templates cannot be prematurely demolition of concrete, to ensure at least one day, the concrete strength of not less than 10MPaFor good. 6After digging to a design elevation, Virtual Earth layers the underside hole should be forbidden, imposing a tapping when the need arose. Blasting excavation, rock of the hole should be loose at the end of clearing, hole behind the concrete pour pile body inspection. If the peripheral wall of soil better, without the massive seeps, nurse's not pouring concrete in the last paragraph, which as part of the pile and pile body while pouring, behavior is strong on the whole length of the pile. 7Concrete pour pile body must do a lot of groundwater infiltration, concrete by channeling the tube down to the bottom, when large amounts of water cannot be ruled out, and available methods of underwater bored concrete pile in construction of concrete (when the volume of water exceeds 0.31/sShi, commonly used this method).  Conclusion: in addition, the operations team after entering the site before the official posts, project team staff must be on the "third-level" security education (education, enterprise security management team, project, Department of education education), and an education record blocking cards; if your security technology to give the low-down is unclear, incomplete, workers  accident occurred, you must hold the responsibility of education or the low-down. 房屋建造量增加

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作者:linbin123456本文地址:http://estem.org.cn/post/67726.html发布于 2023-10-10
