

linbin123456 2023-08-21 97
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     【 abstract 】 construction engineering quality directly related to the masses of the people's life and property security, in recent years because of the construction market management chaos, however, large Numbers of buildings appear serious quality problem. Based on factors influencing the construction engineering construction quality and the analysis of the current main problems of construction quality management is introduced the basic principle, and based on this, advances the construction engineering construction quality management measures, to ensure the quality of construction projects, to ensure the safety of the people life and property have important practical significance.   【关键词】建筑工程;施工质量;管理 【 key words 】 building engineering; Construction quality; management   1 引言 1 introduction   建筑物是产品,但不等同于一般产品,因为建筑工程质量的好坏不仅影响到施工企业、建设单位的长远发展,而且直接关系到人类的生命安全



     Building is the product, but is not the same as general product, because construction engineering quality stand or fall not only influence the long-term development of the construction enterprises, construction units, and is directly related to human's life. However because build the reason such as the market management chaos in recent years, due to some construction projects not in accordance with the construction design drawings, construction quality can't conform to the relevant technical specifications, caused a large number of buildings appear serious quality problem. Especially after the wenchuan earthquake and other natural disasters, architectural engineering quality problems immediately stand out, quite a number of buildings in the cracks, collapse, causing great economic losses and casualties, so must strengthen the construction of construction engineering quality management at present stage, eliminate fundamentally the quality hidden danger, ensure engineering quality.   2 影响建筑工程施工质量的因素 Two factors affecting the quality of building engineering construction   影响建筑工程施工质量的因素很多,其中包括结构的设计、建筑材料、机械设备、场地环境、施工工艺、管理制度等

     There are many factors affecting the quality of building engineering construction, including structure design, building materials, machinery equipment, site environment, construction technology and management system, etc.   2.1 建筑结构设计 2.1 building structure design   为了赶时髦,求新颖,许多建筑工程的结构设计只重视外部美观,造成建筑结构受力不合理,而且不方便施工

     In order to follow the fashion, novel, many of the construction engineering structure design attaches great importance to the external beauty, only cause building structure is not reasonable, and it is not convenient for construction.   2.2 建筑材料 2.2 building materials   土建工程中所用的水泥、砂、石、木材、金属、沥青、合成树脂、塑料等统称为建筑材料,建筑材料是建筑工程质量的基础,直接影响着建筑质量的好坏

     Used in civil engineering of cement, sand, stone, wood, metal, asphalt, synthetic resin, plastic and so on are collectively referred to as construction materials, construction materials is the basis of the construction quality, directly affects the construction quality.   2.3 机械设备 2.3 mechanical equipment   机械设备正常的磨损或故障、不按规程的操作、仪表失灵检测设备精度失控等,都会引起系统性因素的质量变异,造成建筑工程的质量事故

     Mechanical equipment of normal wear or failure, not according to the rules of operation, precision instrument malfunction detection equipment is out of control, etc., can cause the quality variation of systemic factors, construction engineering quality accidents.   2.4 场地环境 2.4 site environment   建筑场地及周边的地质条件、气候环境等统称为建筑场地环境



     The geological conditions of construction site and the surrounding environment, climate, environment and so on are collectively referred to as construction site. Site environment is an important factor affecting the quality of building engineering construction. In general field has the characteristics of complex and changeable environment, such as weather conditions can change all dry, temperature, humidity, wind, rain, heat, cold, directly affects the construction quality.   2.5 施工工艺 2.5 construction technology   施工工艺是决定工程质量好坏的关键,不同的施工工艺将会导致建筑工程出现不同的施工质量,一般来说,先进、合理、规范化、系统完善的施工工艺不会出现偶然或突发的质量问题,而且能够加快工期,降低成本

     Construction technology is the key to determine engineering quality stand or fall, different construction process will lead to different construction engineering construction quality, in general, advanced, reasonable, perfect construction technology standardization, system won't appear the quality problem of the accident or emergency, and to speed up the construction period, reduce the cost.   2.6 管理制度 2.6 management system   管理制度完善与否直接影响建筑工程施工的质量的好坏,严格的施工管理制度对于确保施工质量、加快施工进度、节省成本至关重要

     Management system of perfect or not directly affect the quality of building engineering construction, strict construction management system to ensure the construction quality, speed up the construction progress, cost saving is very important.   3 建筑工程施工质量管理原则 3 construction engineering construction quality management principles   要确保建筑工程施工质量的提高,必须坚持与遵循特定的施工质量管理原则,采用一系列检测、监控措施、手段和方法,来确保建筑工程达到合同、规范所规定的质量标准

     To ensure construction quality of construction engineering, must insist on and follow the principle of specific construction quality management, adopt a series of tests, monitor, measure, means and methods, to ensure that construction projects to achieve the quality standards stipulated in the contract and specification.   3.1 “质量第一,用户至上”的原则 3.1 the principle of "quality first, customer supreme"   在当前竞争激烈的建筑市场,建筑企业若想立于不败之地,就必须坚持“质量第一,用户至上”这一基本原则


     In the current fierce competition in construction market, construction enterprises want to in an impregnable position, we must adhere to the "quality first, customer supreme" this basic principle. The architectural engineering quality in the first place, the time for building user's life and property safety.   3.2 预防、预控为主的施工理念 3.2 prevention and control counter construction idea   施工单位在施工过程中,要树立预防、预控为主的施工理念



     Construction units in construction process, to establish prevention and control counter construction idea. Will consider the weight of the engaged in the inspection after adjustment to the beforehand prevention and control, to prevent sudden accidents. To adhere to prevention, strengthen on the material quality, the construction process and site environment of supervision and inspection.   3.3 科学、公正、守法的职业道德 3.3 scientific, fair and lawful professional ethics   无论是建筑施工企业的管理人员、施工单位的技术人员或施工人员,还是监理单位的监理人员,在建筑工程的施工质量管理过程中,都应该严格按照相关的技术规范,从工程的客观实际出发,恪尽职守,尊重科学,遵纪守法,严格自律,秉着科学、公正的工作态度和职业道德,认真做好建筑工程的施工质量管理工作

     Whether construction enterprises management personnel, technical personnel and construction personnel, the construction units and supervision units of supervision personnel, in the process of construction quality management of construction projects, should be in strict accordance with the relevant technical specifications and starting from the objective reality of engineering, responsibility, respect for science, law-abiding, strict self-discipline, grasp the scientific and impartial working attitude and professional ethics, conscientious and make a good job in construction quality management of construction projects.   4 建筑施工质量管理措施 4 construction quality management measures   4.1 建筑材料的管理 4.1 management of building materials   对于建筑材料的管理,要建立管理台帐,进行收、发、储、运等各环节的技术管理






     Concerning the management of construction materials, we should establish management accounting, and receive, send, store, transport and so on each link of technical management. Has been the material source control. Choose has a solid professional knowledge, high quality appraisal ability of procurement staff responsible for procurement of various building materials, do a detailed master the material manufacturer's detailed information. At the same time need to get the field management of construction materials. Arrange delivery plan and material route ahead of time, when the materials enter the construction site, must strengthen the work of examination and acceptance, avoid mixing and the unqualified raw materials used in engineering. In construction process, but also do a good job of building materials store, increase the construction site temporary storage of waterproof, moisture-proof function. 4.2 机械设备的管理 4.2 management of mechanical equipment   机械设备管理的基本任务是:合理装备、安全使用、服务生产,为保证工程质量,加快施工进度,提高生产效益,取良好经济效益创造条件




     Management is the basic task of mechanical equipment, reasonable equipment, safe use, production service, in order to guarantee the engineering quality, speed up the construction progress, improve the production efficiency, create conditions take good economic benefits. Improve mechanical equipment management of the basic principle is: respect for scientific, standardized management, safety first, prevention first. In construction process according to different technological characteristics and technical requirements, choose the appropriate machinery and equipment, and ensure the proper use of machinery and equipment, good management and maintenance. At the same time, strengthen the management of mechanical equipment management, operating personnel work, set with sufficient personnel (operator, commander and maintenance personnel), implement the principle of "who use, who management", and perfecting the system of card mount guard, mechanical equipment check system, etc., make daily maintenance and minor repairs, repair and maintenance work, it is strictly prohibited to run in spite of.   4.3 场地环境的管理 4.3 site environmental management   做好建筑场地的设计与规划,实行封闭施工,工地出入口地面应当硬化并保持周边整洁


     Make building space design and planning, the closed construction, construction site entrances ground should be hardened and keep the surrounding clean. Even at the same time to carry out the environmental health management responsibility system, the construction engineering construction units should be cleaned up and transported away without delay occurring in the process of engineering construction construction waste, prevent environmental pollution, and construction waste shall not be given to individuals or units engaged in construction waste shipping without permission.   4.4 施工工艺的管理 4.4 management of construction technology   对于建筑工程的施工,要严格根据工程实际,进行施工组织设计,选择合理的施工技术措施、施工方案、施工工艺等




     For building engineering construction, we will strictly according to the engineering practice, the construction organization design, the choice of the reasonable construction technology measures and construction scheme, construction technology, etc. The project preparatory work earnestly, the feasible construction organization design. According to different engineering characteristics, formulate the corresponding construction scheme, and carries on the technological innovation organization, so as to ensure the feasibility of the construction technology and advancement. For some technical problems, to formulate the feasible processing operations, in order to realize on the premise of guarantee the engineering quality, to speed up the construction progress, reduce the construction cost.   4.5 完善并落实管理制度 4.5 improve and implement management system   为提高建筑工程的施工现场管理水平,促进施工现场管理科学化、规范化和系统化,根据行业发展的需要以及工程实际,制定完善的施工质量管理制度,诸如施工现场考勤制度、例会制度、档案管理制度、仓库管理制度、安全生产管理制度、临时用电管理制度、保卫管理制度、消防管理制度



     In order to improve the construction engineering construction site management level, promote the scientific, standardized and systematic management on the construction site, according to the needs of the development of industry and the engineering practice, formulate perfect construction quality management system, such as the construction site work attendance checking system, meeting system, file management system, warehouse management system, safety production management system, temporary electricity utilization management system, security management system, fire management system. Project managers must to the builder and the construction team for every procedure, quality of technical clarificaiton, prepared to material, the key points of construction technology, quality requirement and inspection method, common problems and preventive measures. Project construction personnel must firmly grasp the technological process and construction technology of quality requirements.   5 结束语 5 conclusion   工程质量管理是整个施工管理活动的核心,贯穿施工管理的全过程,工程质量管理是否有效直接关系着建筑工程质量的好坏


     Project quality management is the core of the construction management activities, throughout the whole process of construction management, project quality management effectiveness is directly related with construction project quality. So for huge investment and cost of labor, materials, energy, construction, only do a good job in quality management, strictly control the construction quality in the construction, to effectively ensure the quality of building engineering construction, to ensure the safety of the people life and property. 简单来说在城市建设过程中的各种工程都属于这一个范围




     关键词:市政工程;施工技术;优化方法 随着我国经济的迅猛发展,人们的生活水平在逐步提高,而作为城市建设的基础,人们对市政工程的发展也提出了更高的要求



     1市政工程施工技术主要内容 市政工程所包含的项目种类比较多,简单来说在城市建设过程中的各种工程都属于这一个范围





     2施工技术的优化原则 市政工程意义重大,其施工技术的优化也有一定原则,具体如下:首先,市政工程的主要管理对象是政府,也就意味着政府需要对相关文件、方案等做好严格的把关,只有在完成正式审批后,工程项目才能正式开展,否则不经过认真的调查研究,项目本身极有可能存在一些隐患和漏洞;其次,市政工程大部分都是户外施工,所以在优化施工技术时必须考虑到天气情况带来的影响,如果采用了不合时宜的技术,不仅起不了优化作用,反而会造成一定损失


     3市政工程施工技术现存问题 3.1施工技术优化缺乏创新 施工技术想要优化,那么核心就是创新,但是目前施工技术的研究一直不能突破原有的局限,缺乏了创新因素



     3.2施工技术管理混乱 施工技术虽然是市政工程建设的重要环节,但是一直以来施工单位都没有组建一个专门的管理部门来对技术进行监控和管理,因此施工技术缺乏专业指导和严格约束




     4技术优化研究方法 4.1加强创新,推广技术 对于技术的优化,创新和推广永远是两个大问题,因此,我们也要从这两点着手


     4.2提高技术人员水平 由于技术在不断优化,所以当施工过程中出现新技术和新设备时,就需要一批新型技术人才来掌控这些资源




     4.3加强管理 文章提到管理的混乱有两方面:①缺乏专业部门,因此施工系统可以组织一些优秀的管理人才,建立部门,专门负责对技术方案的优化升级,负责在众多技术方案中根据技术的先进程度及可行性选择出最佳方案,并且运用现场考察或建立数据模型等方式来检验方案;②施工过程中加强对技术的监管,在施工结束后完善技术资料的整理,完善相关档案

     5结束语 以上是对施工技术优化方法的一点建议,但事实上施工技术存在的问题不止这些,有些施工单位缺乏安全意识和责任意识,重视经济效益却忽视了人员的安全问题,为了加快进度,采用了不合理的技术方法,因此施工技术的优化方法也要考虑安全方面的问题,这样才能提高双面效益

     参考文献: 【1】夏秀礼.市政工程给水排水施工管理探讨【J】.工程技术研究,2016,(6):179. 【2】廖祥基.市政工程道路排水管道施工技术分析【J】.南方农机,2017



作者:linbin123456本文地址:http://estem.org.cn/post/59355.html发布于 2023-08-21
